to MacOS how install V.2.1.2 CONTOUR

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Description: 5837 KB - Mariner Software, Inc. - Contour - Business - Word Processing

Contour was developed in collaboration with Emmy Award-nominated Jeffrey Alan Schechter; Contour is a proven, fill-in-the blanks story development system that has generated millions of dollars worth of writing assignments and script sales. The software uses the same character-based structure that most every blockbuster movies uses to create well-written stories from Fade In to Fade Out. Contour shows exactly what elements need to be in a script, never leaving the question, "what comes next?"
Minimum Theory, Maximum Story - Unlike other story development systems which are either so complicated that you don't know where to start or so light-weight as to wonder, "why in the world did I buy this?", Contour is a must-have for every screenwriter. Taking your idea and using a fill-in-the blanks and intuitive approach, Contour guides you as to what elements need to be part of your story outline - you're never left to wonder, "what comes next?". That's it - fade out, roll credits.
Shhh! It's a Secret! - Contour explains the major storytelling secrets needed to craft a highly marketable movie. Your main character's journey is explained through archetypal themes - the same kind of themes used by most of the top 50 movies that have affected millions of viewers - maybe even you!

Best to 10.12.6 47m.v.2.1.4.contour.tar.gz (5019 kbytes)

Updated version Contour-v-2.3.2-7xk.tar.gz (5078 kbytes)

to 10.12 (6070 kbytes)

Version to El Captan RqGSXh.Contour.ver.3.1.2.tar.gz (4903 kbytes)

Best 10.11.6 2.2.2-Contour-TsW2.dmg (6712 kbytes)

Mariner Software, Inc.

to OS X AUI_CONVERTER_48X44_VER_3.4.6_RR3.ZIP (23805 KB) 3.4.8

Updated version YY8-1.2-AUTODISTRACT.DMG (116 KB) 1.5

Recomended! version (3929 KB) 2.5

{6479 KB} Download vers.2.2.2 Contour gUaNRG 2.3.2 Updated to High Sierra

{6303 KB} Download aA2Fy1 2.1.1 Contour 2.2.2 Best! version

{4844 KB} Download J9A CONTOUR 2.1.3 2.1.6 Recomended! version

{5486 KB} 4.1.2 Contour k51ki 2.2.2 for 10.13

{6420 KB} Contour vers.2.0 VLbW 4.1.2 Featured Mac mini

{6187 KB} Software CONTOUR V.3.1.2 KIG4 2.4.2 Best! version

{5603 KB} Contour 4.1.2 lXM 2.3.2 on El Captan
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